About the Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program
This program provides incentives and support to help Medicaid providers demonstrate meaningful use of certified EHR systems. The New Jersey Innovation Institutes' Medicaid Provider Program (MPP) expansion is being funded through a grant from the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services that was awarded in October 2017.
The MPP funds up to 1,250 providers in achieving the Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program. The program builds upon an initial grant from the Office of National Coordinator that was awarded to New Jersey Innovation Institute (formerly NJ-HITECH) in 2010, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Who Is This Program For?
- Physicians
- Nurse Practitioners
- Dentists
- Optometrists
- Pediatricians
All with a minimum of 30% Medicaid patient volume who met additional requirements, such as being active in NJMMIS, using a certified EHR, and more.

What Is Involved?
All participants work diligently to meet CMS requirements which must be reported to the state annually. Participants must demonstrate that more than 80% of their patients have data maintained in a certified EHR and that they can meet all the objectives of the program, which are updated annually.
The providers in the Medicaid PIP program receive free consulting and submission support services from NJII including ongoing training, practice and workflow design, guidance on audit preparation, practice assessments and advice on privacy and security best practices.
Why Participate?
Providers who joined the Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program and maintained their eligibility already received or may receive up to $63,750 in payments over the six-year program.
In addition, these providers have or will receive free consulting services and support from experts at NJII to achieve the specific milestones of the program, fulfill their quality objectives and meet the requirements of any program audits.

Get Involved
The Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Program closed to new participants in 2016. Current participants will receive incentive payments and support through 2021. If you previously joined the program and would like to resume activity, please use this form to contact us.