Top 6 Trends In Skill Development We Are Watching Early In 2024

Corporate training and development changed a lot in 2023, especially with the rise of AI tools and other interactive technologies. However, one element that remains constant is the need for a skilled and experienced workforce that can excel in specific, targeted tasks. New Jersey Innovation Institute (NJII) offers relevant programs that boost your specific skill-based needs. You can advance your career and earning potential with the help of our Professional and Corporate Education division.

These are the top 6 trends we are watching early in 2024:

1. Increased Emphasis on Remote Training:

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work, and this likely impacted corporate training as well. Companies were expected to invest more in virtual and online training solutions to cater to remote or distributed teams. Current programs:

2. Focus on Digital and Technical Skills:

With the ongoing digital transformation, there was an increased focus on training employees in digital and technical skills. Companies recognized the importance of upskilling and reskilling their workforce to stay competitive in the evolving business landscape. Examples: NJIT X Google Upskilling, Cybersecurity Professional Bootcamp

3. Personalized Learning Paths:

The trend towards personalized learning paths continued to grow. AI and data analytics were expected to play a role in tailoring training programs to individual employee needs, allowing for more efficient and effective learning experiences. Learn more here:

4. Integration of Emerging Technologies:

The incorporation of emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) in training programs was anticipated. These technologies have the potential to enhance engagement and provide immersive learning experiences. Explore here:

5. Continuous Learning Culture:

There was a shift towards fostering a continuous learning culture within organizations. Instead of traditional, periodic training sessions, companies were expected to encourage ongoing learning and development as a part of their organizational culture. NJII can help: NJIT Corporate Education brochure.

6. Soft Skills Development:

While technical skills were crucial, there was also a recognition of the importance of soft skills. Training programs aimed at developing communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills were anticipated to gain prominence. Learn more:

Other trends indicate that younger generations benefit greatly from training, as 76% of Gen Z employees believe that training is a key factor in having a successful career, according to LinkedIn.

No matter what your career plans are for 2024, continued training should be one of them. NJII is here to help! Visit to learn more.